Adverse Effects of GLP-1 Use in Adolescence
There are numerous articles and news stories out there about celebrities and other stars experiencing drastic weight loss from taking GLP-1 agonists. Most of the information in mainstream media circulates around adults. However, there is less traction about its effect on younger individuals, particularly children and adolescents. In most cases, a child’s parent will administer the medication. But with newer formulations, the likelihood that children and adolescents can use these medications by themselves, more concern about their safety and efficacy has arisen.
GLP-1 Adverse Effects for Children
There might be some adverse effects to taking such medication as a younger individual. These are some things to consider before thinking about using a GLP-1 with an adolescent population:
- Long-term effects on growth and development: There are still the unknown consequences of being on these types of drugs for a long period of time. Growth and development are crucial for adolescents. The growth hormone GH is affected with GLP-1s.
- Eating disorder risk: There is a lot of data to support pediatric males and females abuse appetite suppressant drugs which plays a role in eating disorders
- Physical activity associated risks: Sports such as gymnastics or wrestling have a large weight component attached to them. Taking a GLP while participating in these sports during adolescence is a consideration as well. Unhealthy behaviors might be adopted.
- Body image considerations: Having poor body image is very common in adolescents. Being prescribed a weight loss/body altering drug at a young age as the ability to affect someone’s perception of self drastically.
- Cost/benefit relationship: There are a lot of unknowns with these drugs right now. It might be extremely costly to be on these drugs for a lifetime, despite their health benefits. In addition, not all medications are covered by insurance which plays a role as well.
Adolescence and the GLP-1 Decision
These considerations are extremely important because children and adolescents are still growing and use energy not only to perform daily tasks, but also for their growth and development. Using medication that alters this process can be detrimental. The previous data reported is on adults and is not easily translated to adolescents.
The dosage of GLPs on children and adolescents is different when compared to adults. In addition, starting this medication so young and lead to long life reliance. There is no data to support the effects of these drugs since they are so novel.
Most of the concerns around using GLPs in adolescence have arisen from rather societal issues than biological ones. Young individuals are also at extreme risk for developing eating disorders or poor self esteem particularly because of the rise in social media.
Even though research suggests that lifestyle interventions like a physical fitness routine and healthy eating habits did not have as great of an effect on obesity and type 2 diabetes – there is data to suggest the dangers of using these drugs at such an impressionable age. Analysis of current dietary and exercise habits to pinpoint challenges in health are essential for this population. Suppressing appetite without changing behaviors is not likely to promote long-lasting changes.
The Road Ahead for Adolescent GLP-1 Use
Before using GLPs during adolescence there is a lot to take into account. More can be done to ensure the safety of their use and even implement better regulations moving forward. Large medical boards can compile a strong team of clinicians who are dedicated to maintaining strict safety protocols and understanding the effect of these drugs on adolescents.
Furthermore, more emphasis can be put forth on the importance of healthy habits at a young age to prevent the need for many adolescents to require the use of GLPs in the first place. Find healthy recipes and research on dispensing of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists to adolescents and young adults.