These are the Best 5 Immune Boosting Foods for Flu Prevention
As we enter into flu season, the best prevention may be a flu shot. But don’t underplay the effect food can have on our immune system. Include these 5 immune-boosting foods:
- Ginger: anti-inflammatory properties help keep the immune system strong.
- Oranges: vitamin C can help ward off the common cold.
- Greek yogurt: people that eat probiotics daily have a lower incidence of cold and flu.
- Blueberries: antioxidants in blueberries have been shown to prevent colds. Try Easy Mixed Berry Baked Oatmeal
- Wild salmon: rich in zinc, it may help prevent and reduce symptoms of the common cold.
Don’t forget to put these immune-boosting foods on your grocery list. Also, make sure you are getting adequate levels of vitamin D as it helps regulate the immune response. Wash hands frequently and stay well!